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Зачем Министерству обороны России дирижабли?
08 Июня 2016
Зачем Министерству обороны России дирижабли?
Воздушно-космические силы пошли по стопам Жюля Верна
Воздушно-космические силы пошли по стопам Жюля Верна - Известия

20.06.2016 Seerndv пишет:
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27.06.2016 arkair пишет:
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Туркмения заинтересовалась белорусскими дирижаблями | Хроника Туркменистана

21.07.2016 Seerndv пишет:
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Page Not Found | Aviation Week Power Key To Flying Whales’ Airship
Jul 19, 2016 Thierry Dubois | Aviation Week & Space Technology

French startup Flying Whales believes it has found the right technologies to thrive in large cargo airships and has conducted a convincing market assessment. Support from the French government and China’s Avic is reinforcing the company’s confidence that its project will not be another failure in the segment, and the first flight of the LCA60T is predicted to come in three years.

An additional partner, Skeleton Technologies, has been selected and will supply ultracapacitors for peak power. “We can have exceptional peaks in our power requirement, such as when simultaneously winching heavy loads and countering gusts and downdrafts,” CEO Sebastien Bougon tells Aviation Week.

Such brief, strong rushes of wind will be detected automatically. The power needed is then more than 3 megawatts (4,000 shp). Skeleton’s graphene-based ultracapacitors will contribute 2 megawatts, which will be in addition to the 1.5 megawatts for cruise power. To accommodate peak power, “ultracapacitors shall be lighter, cheaper and safer than batteries,” adds Bougon.

With power density up to 60 times higher than batteries, ultracapacitors store energy in an electric field rather than in a chemical reaction. This allows them to charge and discharge much faster than batteries and survive up to 1 million charge and discharge cycles for much longer life.

Vertical movement will come from vectored-thrust propellers, and ballast will also be used. The LCA60T is being designed to carry payloads up to 60 metric tons (132,000 lb.). Cruise speed is said to be close to 100 kph (54 kt.).

“We are designing a rigid airframe with eight helium cells; a rigid airframe is safer,” Bougon explains. For logging operations—which it is hoped will ensure the project’s viability—a 250-ft.-long bay will accommodate trunks more safely than carrying them under a sling, he says. Loading and unloading will take place in hover, indispensable in hilly areas.

Ultracapacitors will cope with peak power demand to counter gusts and downdrafts during winching operations. Credit: Flying Whales

The electric motors and ultracapacitors will be part of a serial hybrid propulsion system. Still to be decided is whether the generator will use a piston engine or a turbine.

Skeleton was chosen “because of its great know-how in ultracapacitors and electrical system design,” Bougon says. The Bautzen, Germany-based company is producing ultracapacitors for satellites, among other applications; one of its customers is the European Space Agency.

The first flight of the LCA60T is planned for 2019, with Flying Whales receiving financial support from the French government’s Nouvelle France Industrielle program. The project is devised as a way to meet the need for increased French use of wood resources: The sector has the second-greatest deficit in the country’s balance of trade.

Creating a forest road has a very limited return on investment. Similarly, using helicopters for logging operations is extremely expensive. An Airbus Super Puma may cost about €10,000 ($11,000) per hour and a four-ton load of wood is worth €500, according to Bougon. An airship may be the solution. “To carry a given payload, a large-capacity airship may be 50 times cheaper than a helicopter,” he says.

Logging is likely to be the mainstay of the large cargo airship market. Credit: Flying Whales

The country’s national forestry office is involved and worked closely on the market study with Flying Whales. The analysis concluded, as early as 2013, that the logging niche was deep enough—and not only in France—to make the project economical, provided operational costs were kept low enough.

A second market study was commissioned for oversize cargo transportation. In its bay, the LCA60T could carry the three 200-ft.-long blades of one wind turbine. Sling load operations were also considered for large objects such as premanufactured houses.

However, such a market comprises a variety of customers with only occasional transportation needs, and is seen only as a complement to logging. It should not be considered a mainstay, says Bougon.

Engineering work since 2014 with French aerospace lab Onera has defined the outlines of the LCA60T. It will use a rigid design—a major difference with the competing Lockheed Martin LMH-1. Few technical details have been made available thus far.

Flying Whales is headquartered in the outskirts of Paris and says it is leading a consortium of about 30 companies and research laboratories, the names of which will be announced in September. The factory is to be located in Istres, in the southeast of the country, in a former Dassault hangar.

Under a memorandum of understanding signed in 2015, Avic subsidiary China Aviation Industry General Aircraft Co. is to become a shareholder of Flying Whales. Another manufacturing facility will be established in China; production in both countries is scheduled to begin in 2021.

The market study suggests a potential in Africa, where “a lack of infrastructure hinders economic growth,” Bougon says, and Morocco may become the third country with a Flying Whales factory.

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25.08.2016 arkair пишет:
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Пишут, что зацепил свисающим с носа причальным тросом за столбик ограждения, там на них по фото еще колючая проволока натянута.

25.08.2016 arkair пишет:
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Раздолбайство, в общем, влетающее в фунты стерлингов.

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Ничего он не задевал! Просто неустойчивость даже в штиль, + неправильное положение силовых установок - для боковых нет плеча, на задних оно слишком большое, тяга боковых оказалась слишком мала, чтобы компенсировать даже набольшое перетяжеление! Этот аппарат неплох для приобретения опыта, даже если он отрицательный! Оболочка сделана хорошо, сделать такую непросто. А в остальном типа "четыре ошибки в слове "ЕЩЕ"!

18.09.2016 Alex G U пишет:
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Испытания должны быть секретны. Зачем на людях выпендриваться.

18.09.2016 Alex G U пишет:
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Интерес к воздушным судам, изобретенным еще столетие назад, а затем надолго забытым, неожиданно возродился сразу в нескольких странах. РФ готовит планы по серийному производству дирижаблей

В текущем году на реализацию этой части программы предлагается выделить 800 миллионов рублей. Общая стоимость разработки и постройки "Атлантов" оценивается в 3,2 миллиарда рублей; строительство завода потребует еще 8-10 миллиардов и займет от 2 до 2,5 лет. После ввода в строй предприятие сможет выпускать от двух до десяти дирижаблей в год. С их помощью составители программы планируют обеспечить перевозку грузов между Северным морским путем и Транссибирской железнодорожной магистралью."


19.10.2016 arkair пишет:
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МК: "Путин уволил замглавы Совбеза, предлагавшего возродить в России дирижабли"

20.10.2016 Alex G U пишет:
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Охлократия - власть охлоса (толпы) - охломонов ...

Подлые спекулянты возбуждают толпу охломонов гибелью Гинденбурга не упоминая о жертвах - о проценте жертв :

" На борту было 97 пассажиров и членов экипажа - погибли 35 человек: 13 пассажиров, 22 члена экипажа "


Вобщем толпа тупая и глупая до самого верху ...

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Приятно посмотреть на большой аэростат в работе у нас в России!
25 октября 2016 на базе в Киржаче был показ-демонстрация аэростата Ягуар - объем 6000 куб. м! Высота подъема до 3000 м. В этот раз поднимали на высоту 300 м. К середине дня ветер усилился порывами до 11 м/с пришлось ловить его при причаливании. Многотонное причальное сооружение показало ювелирную управляемость - аэростат лег мягко.

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